You wont need anything else. Installation. Answer Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to add some additional security like a username and/or password to allow control (read is ok though).I set up port forwarding on my router to the server but i don't want anyone with a port scanner to control the relays lol.Great tutorial it was easy to follow even for a noob like me. I may be overlooking where you have stated the structure in your instructions. On your Pi you can input localhost/raspcontrol and from your network, you should change localhost with the current IP address of your Pi for example log into Raspcontrol you will need a login! So we create the following file:It is important to change the rights on this file to something like this:Now you should be able to login and get all information about your Pi!You need a running web server. However, controlling LEDs isn't very useful. 5 months ago 2 years ago You mention controlling LEDs via shift registers, do you have an example php for how to do that? The only hard part is to connect the LEDs to the good pin on the Raspberry Pi. The chron editor is the best. Let's make the interface!This small but long explained project was fun and I learned a lot. Christmas is soon (about one and a half months from the day I wrote this instructable) so why not replacing LEDs by relays and controlling lights around your house. But how can i use it from out side my network ?? I hope you did the same. I show you how to do this for your Pi …

Not much is needed! Due to the sheer number of things you can configure I recommend that you look at the Webmin wiki after installation.Below is all the equipment that I made use of for this Raspberry Pi Webmin tutorial.Before we begin, you will need to be on the latest version of the Below is an example of my address to access Webmin.There are a ton of options that you can configure in Webmin. We will create two subsystems. It removes the need to manually edit configuration files and makes administration a lot easier.You can easily setup, modify and control applications such as an There are modules that you can use to extend the functionality of Webmin. I have a RPi 3B with Noobs 2.8.2. Simple and Intuitive Web Interface for Your Raspberry Pi: The Raspberry Pi is an amazing 35 dollars mini-computer. !Just getting started with this project. The electronic part is nothing special, it's only 8 LEDs with their protecting resistor. Is there someone who can help me to change the script(s) to get this working? It allows you to do everything you could do with a regular Linux computer (Connecting to the internet, watching videos, launching applications, ...) but also to …

Thanks a lot for this great Instructable - it is a great start for my project. I'd like to control my Raspberry pi 3 Model B (using raspbian stretch) using a web interface accessible from any device able to connect to a WiFi generate by the Raspberry Pi. These are created via Windows and then made executable on the Raspberry Pi. These options include changing your SSL encryption, adding modules, logging, managing users, managing software packages and so much more.Since there are just so many options to configure I recommended checking out the I do recommend that you secure your admin by changing the password and setting up two-factor authentication.I will be looking at doing further tutorials on some of the cool modules that you can use with Webmin such as Virtualmin.I hope by now you have been able to install Webmin on the Raspberry Pi without any issues.

I got it working for 8 ports (GPIO0 to GPIO7), but I also want to use GPIO21 to GPIO28 to control 16 ports. That's why what we made is rather a tool than a real project. I wnat to use this for several devices around the house, and on our mobiles. - femto-code/Raspberry-Pi-Dashboard 3 years ago Any help or direction to a good tutorial would be great as I have not found a good one.Brilliant intro to controlling pi pins. I recommend installing it first. Answer I have added one line of code (a simple echo statement) in the file gpio.php. 1 year ago Introduction; Build a Flask website; ... Repeat the same steps you’ve just followed to create a template for the cakes page. pi…