If it's usual Chip mode, I'd suggest trying to unplug and reconect the programmer to your USB port. However this is an unofficial driver version and although we have tested and confirmed it to work with a Windows 10 system we provide no warranties or guarantees that it will work with your system. Click here for previous DIYpacks. Allows reading, writing, encryption, and uses high-speed USB communication for fast programming (speed average PICSTART + 3-5 times). programmed via on-board ICSP interface. "PIC Programmer Drivers" folder to install the driver.Go to

Now choose This device is obsolete and not compatible with MPLab X (new PIC development tool), so you will have to export files in HEX format from MPLab X and import to DIY application which has released last version in 2007. Click the "File" menu, and choose "Port". Click here for previous DIYpacks. Pinout Information for ICSP (pin 1 count from middle to pin 6 at the edge): Pin 1 ~ Vpp (MCLR/ Reset) Pin 2 ~ Vcc (5 Volt DC) Pin 3 ~ Gnd (Ground) Pin 4 ~ Data; Pin 5 ~ Clock (CLK) Pin 6 ~ PGM (LVP) PIC Microchip Family that can be programmed by this device : drivers and software for use with Windows XP 32bit are available to download: When putting a PIC in the ZIF Enter the value the "Hardware" tab, and then click on "Device Fully automatic programming checksum ; equipped with 40pin DIP programming ZIF socket, di... £9.99 For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice.Note: For Windows 8/8.1/10 users we have a tested and working driver. You may unsubscribe at any moment. The software is compatible with Windows98 and Windows2000/NT, Windows XP and other operating systems. Although I could have cut a few runs on the board and attached some leads I decided to build a daughter board that would plug into the socket for the PIC 16F628A. Start, and right click on "Computer". This device is obsolete and not compatible with MPLab X (new PIC development tool), so you will have to export files in HEX format from MPLab X and import to DIY application which has released last version in 2007. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice.Note: For Windows 8/8.1/10 users we have a tested and working driver. K150 PIC Programming already works for Windows 8, Windows 7, Win Vista also with Windows XP. ICSP programming and PIC programmers PIC programmer hardware tester. Latest Windows software (DIYpack25EP.zip) No installation required - simply unzip into any folder as required. "microbrn.exe" file in the "PIC Programmer Software" "Properties".Click on The PIC K150 programmer Before you will buy this device I strongly recommend you to visit // #pragma config statements should precede project file includes.// Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF.// Oscillator Selection bits (INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on RA4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on RA5/OSC1/CLKIN)// RA3/MCLR pin function select (RA3/MCLR pin function is digital I/O, MCLR internally tied to VDD)// Code Protection bit (Program Memory code protection is disabled)// Data Code Protection bit (Data memory code protection is disabled) Pin 1 on the ZIF socket is located next to the locking lever. Wenn CLK ordentlich geschirmt ist, sollte aber auch 1/2 Meter kein Problem sein. Download firmware through ICSP interface 2.

Zu lange Kabel und Kabel ohne jede CLK-Schirmung führen immer wieder zu Brenn-Problemen. PIC MCU models supported: Package Includes: 1x K150 Pic Programmer 1x USB Cable 1x ICSP Cable In ogni caso il K150 permette di programmare oltre 100 tipi diversi di PIC. Programming software provides easy to use instructions. "K150".Click on the + next to "Ports (COM & LPT)". lever.Run the

you noted down earlier and click OK. Getting started "PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.7.0.exe" program in the

For small projects this device is fine but for more advanced … it should be positioned. ICSP programming and PIC programmers PIC programmer hardware tester. However this is an unofficial driver version and although we have tested and confirmed it to work with a Windows 10 system we provide no warranties or guarantees that it will work with your system. For small projects I believe this device for 9 USD from E-Bay (Chinese resellers) is fine but for more advanced development is recommended usage of PICKit 3. Für ICSP sollten 20 cm auch genügen. Prima di tutto bisogna scaricare il pacchetto con il software e il driver. The driver can version found towards the bottom of the K150 post on our forum I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. Latest Windows software (DIYpack25EP.zip) No installation required - simply unzip into any folder as required.

There should be an item Compatible with Windows98 and Windows2000/NT, Windows XP to Windows 7.

Pin 1 on the ZIF socket is located next to the locking K150. 8 pin 40 pin-board Allows programming of PIC device whilst in circuit via its ICSP and included cable. If in ICSP mode, have you ensured that MCLR Pin is not pulled up high while programming - it's easy to miss this while switching between Program/Run mode in ICSP mode. The driver can version found towards the bottom of the K150 post on our forum I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. Supported IC 10 Series • PIC10F200* PIC10F202* PIC10F204* PIC10F206* • PIC10F220* PIC10F222* K150 Pin 1 labelled "Prolific USB-to-Serial Run the For a detailed list of firmware/software changes plus supported and unsupported PICs, please refer to the 'readme-ep.pdf' file. PIC K150 Programmer This device is obsolete and not compatible with MPLab X (new PIC development tool), so you will have to export files in HEX format from MPLab X and import to DIY application which has released last version in 2007. folder.Click on nach oben. The reality is that USB drivers, K150 firmware and the K150 User Interface software MicroPro.exe are being upgraded almost every month as new PICs are added and improvements made.