I know this is 3 years after but, does anyone have a fix for this?Arduino: 1.8.4 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"C:\Users\(myName)\AppData\Local\Temp\cc6Op89S.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function `setup':C:\Users\(myName)\Documents\Arduino\Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer/Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer.ino:9: undefined reference to `SevSeg::begin(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, bool, bool, bool)'C:\Users\(myName)\Documents\Arduino\Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer/Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer.ino:10: undefined reference to `SevSeg::setBrightness(int)'C:\Users\(myName)\AppData\Local\Temp\cc6Op89S.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function `loop':C:\Users\(myName)\Documents\Arduino\Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer/Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer.ino:14: undefined reference to `SevSeg::setNumber(int, char, bool)'C:\Users\(myName)\Documents\Arduino\Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer/Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer.ino:15: undefined reference to `SevSeg::refreshDisplay()'C:\Users\(myName)\AppData\Local\Temp\cc6Op89S.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function `_GLOBAL__sub_I_sevseg':C:\Users\(myName)\Documents\Arduino\Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer/Seven_Segment_four_digit_displayer.ino:3: undefined reference to `SevSeg::SevSeg()'Fehler beim Kompilieren für das Board Arduino/Genuino Uno.

If you see any black near one of the pins you did overpower one of the digit places.

So instead of directly connecting the 8 segment pins to arduino you can plug them into the shift register and figure out how to do that.It is just an idea that I came up with but I do not know how to do or if it is even possible with the arduino and the display's library, but hey, food for thought for the curious.Have fun with your display and i hope you liked this instructable because it is the first that i have actually finished out of the many i have in my drafts. 7 weeks ago If you did get it right, then I suggest reading going further in step seven.Here i have listed two possible things that could have happend to your display that could have messed it up. 1 year ago 1 year ago 3 years ago When you get onto the website look at the right side of the window and look down until you see, "Download Zip". If your arduino application was opened and running while you where putting the library into the libraries folder, the arduino won't recognize the library. (Error Whilst compiling for the Arduino/Genuino Uno)I even tried this for the library error(I had a library error): (I know the file name's weird but I had to give it a name for the checking and uploading).to make a regressive counter from the number shown on the display, how could it be?I'm trying to make it with a Wemos D1 board, but got no results so far, 3 segments light up, no matter what number should I write to display, do you know if I have to have another precaution for this board? Click that button and watch it appear in your downloads.Now you have to load the previously installed library into your libraries folder. 6 weeks ago Digit 1 always displays segment a. any ideas also is there any way I can edit the library???? Reply HI, I am mega new to this but have tried adapting the code for my 3digit display. Sur votre carte de test, les digits CC1 à CC4 sont connectés aux pattes 10 à 13 . 8 out of the 12 pins on the display are used for the 8 segments.

2 years ago

Check the schematic again, because you most likely plugged it in wrong3. 7 weeks ago

Convince me why a resistor per segment is better than a resistor per digit and I will edit. Tension directe: 3,4 Vcc (prévoir résistance de limitation) Intensité nominale: 30 mA Anode commune Hauteur des digits:

Les afficheurs 7 segments sont un type d'afficheur très présent sur les calculatrices et les montres à affichage numérique : les caractères (des chiffres, bien que quelques lettres soient utilisées pour l'affichage hexadécimal) s'écrivent en allumant ou en éteignant des segments, au nombre de sept.Quand les 7 segments sont allumés, on obtient le chiffre 8 . Most displays have 12 breakout pins that connect either directly to the arduino, or through a resistor. It really isn't a bug, but what might be causing this? Affichage sur 4 digits 7 segments LED + Arduino j'ai récemment eu un affichage à LED à 4 chiffres 7 segments de Sparkfun et ne pouvait pas attendre pour l'utiliser. 4 months ago

For example, the number 1.037 can be displayed exactly, but 0137 or 0037 can't. I would recommend you change the picture of the wiring setup, because its the easiest and quickest way to get everyone doing it right.

If not then, read step six for whatever is happening wrong. 2 years ago Probably your motor inducing back-EMF and the display module/Arduino is shorted and resets.Whenever something resets its usually a bad sign :)Try adding a diode in parallel with the motor and the problem should be solved.you mentioned you are using 4x330ohm (one for each digit out of 4) resistors and risk burning some of the led's on the display (segments or digits). Any pin that has a resistor on it is one of the 4 digit pins, otherwise they are the segment pins. I fixed the code and made a Fritzing example for all you interested, Good luck!

If you now how to do this then skip to the next step, otherwise keep on reading. There are 7 segments used to form any digit while one controls the decimal point. Thanks for the walkthroughI found something interesting about the module. I just went through the library and in the definition for the begin() function I see the parameter "bool resOnSegmentsIn=0" you were talking about. Sadly this IS NOT fixable and you would want to buy another display. 5. The link goes to github.